Inhabitants of Mount Hooah: Harry of Hooahland Security

Harry with name

Harry of Hooahland Security:  Land Division


When HLS (Hooahland Security) was putting together its team, they tried to find the fastest, the most dedicated and the smartest member to be the land division.  Two out of three isn’t bad.  Harry is built for speed and can easily navigate the terrain without slowing down at all.  Aesop, commander for the HLS, came to know Harry during the Windebear marathon.  Harry came in second (or last, since there were only the two of them), but took it with such good grace that Aesop was impressed.  Thus sprung up an unlikely interspecies friendship of rabbit and turtle.

While the fastest creature on Mount Hooah, Harry does tend to be a little forgetful and unless he writes down a message it can easily get garbled and directions can be misunderstood.  Some speculate that this is how Aesop won the marathon as it was noted that Harry did cross the marathon’s finish line…twice.  However, both times it was going the opposite direction.  When asked about the error, Harry muttered something about the sun rising in the east and setting in the west.  We will probably never know for sure.

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