An unexpected Hooahbear encounter

Dr. Ullible has just sent in the following photograph taken of a hiker in the Northwestern part of the United States, who got more than he bargained for on this camping trip.  Returning to his campfire, he surprised a Hooahbear looking through his backpack.  Fortunately, this experienced camper (name withheld) remembered his wilderness survival training which helped him survive the encounter. unsuspecting hiker Dr. Ullible gave us the name of the camper and we were able to contact him to get the full story.

“I tried to avoid direct eye contact with the Hooahbear,  backed away slowly, but then he started charging towards me.  I quickly lay on the ground and rolled myself into a ball, then stayed that way, waiting  for the Hooahbear to leave the area, perhaps three hours.  I still wake up at night in a cold sweat, just thinking about it.   Fortunately,  a man named Dr. Ullible came along and scared the Hooahbear away.  He took a photo of me afterwards, as we celebrated my rescue.”

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