Habitat: Clompers

Hooahbears tend to live anywhere and in anything; like teenage boys they aren’t very hooahbear habitatpicky.  However, they do prefer to live in shoes and boots, especially army boots.  They call these particular residences “clompers”.

The boots are actually quite spacious inside, and a clever Hooahbear can usually figure out how to fit a bedroom, living room and dining area into the space without too much difficulty.  They look for boots that are DD or larger, and “double wide” has a different connotation in Hooahbear society, usually referring to the abode of the upper echelon.

When Hooahbears move or migrate to a different area on Mount Hooah, they try to bring their boots with them.  Scientists refer to this migratory pattern as “clomping along”.

Although they will use almost any type of shoe, they do tend to shy away from a teenage boy’s shoes.  Sometimes, there is no choice and so the shoe must undergo a lengthy decontamination procedure requiring the use of Hazmat outfits.  The mothers of teenage boys who have had occasion to enter the room where these shoes (and the boy) are located will be able to sympathize.

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