
the quackulanceThe quackulists were among the first to realize the importance of rapid emergency transport.  Again, Dr. Galen was instrumental in initiating the Mount Hooah Quackulance  Transport System.  At any given time, there is a quackulance ready to respond to an emergency call at any hour of the day.  Quackulances have the added benefit of not only being an efficient means of land transport but also work quite well in water rescues.  Some might even say too well, since it is very difficult to convince the quackulance to get out of the water once it goes in.

Another fact that readers may be unaware of is that the quackulance itself supplies the necessary materials for Dr. Galen’s ground breaking medical procedure, the featherization.  This has led to some concern among certain factions of the quackulists, as this does not appear to be a voluntary donation on the part of the quackulance.

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