Inhabitants of Mount Hooah: Dan’l

Dan'l of HLS security
Dan’l also came under the watchful eye of Aesop as he was picking the members of the amphibious division of  Hooahland Security (HLS).  The frog had quite a hopping reputation, and
was celebrated for his jumping abilities.  One day, he was putting on an exhibition hop at the local Mount Hooah parade grounds.  During one impressive leap, Dan’l not only managed to break his own personal record for distance, but also snagged an unwary fly at the same time, which greatly impressed all the audience, including Aesop.  He was signed that day.
Dan’l  has the duty  to watch the road that leads to Mount Hooah, and alert Aesop of any suspicious movement, such as a Weed or a Bean getting too close.  He does an excellent job most of the time, but does have a weakness for flies, whose alluring buzz can sometimes be too much for his self control.  He has had to be disciplined on occasion when he has succumbed to temptation, usually involving an airborne session with Sgt. Will, who is in charge of the air division of HLS.



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