Guardbugs: Die Sage von Doug der Fehler

Dr. Ullible has come across a new manuscript, well hidden until now. It was found in an abandoned eagle’s eyrie in the Bavarian Alps.  What plans the eagle had for the manuscript are unknown.  But it appears to be a partially finished copy of Die Sage von Doug der Fehler that had long been rumored to be the unfinished opera Wagner was working on at the time of his death.epic doug  The thought of that beautiful poem being set to the sweeping and storm tossed chords of a Wagnerian masterpiece is enough to send chills down any music lover’s spine.  From his housekeeper’s daughter’s brother personal journal, we find the words that previously led Dr. Ullible on the quest for this manuscript…”That Wagner is buzzing to him self again!”.  Because of Dr. Ullible’s focus on Hooahbears, buzzing brought to mind the sound that guardbugs make when they are on the attack.  From there it was natural for him to make the leap to the epic poem and thus the age old question of whether  Wagner could have been writing  Die Sage von Doug der Fehler or “The Saga of Doug the Bug”.  On the thinnest of clues, thus Dr. Ullible was able to put together the puzzle leading him to the  incredible prize…the first part of the epic “Ring around the collar Cycle”.

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