
Hooahbears have many interactions with other members of the animal kingdom.  One that is of interest is the relation between a Hooahbear and his guardbug.sitting guard bug

A guardbug serves the function of sounding the alarm if intruders are seen.  They also can be used to track down intruders.

A highly trained guardbug can be a great aid to the Hooahbear on duty as he helps guard the perimeter of Mount Hooah.  In return, the Hooahbear provides food (usually a tasty leaf or two) and companionship.  This relationship in nature can be considered symbiotic.

Scientific name is Ursus Minor Alistair and is part of the subfamily Scarabeidae.  This particular guardbug is called Doug.  Extensive research has not unearthed any Hooahbear warriors of that name, so one might be tempted to conclude that the reason for the name was because it rhymed with “bug”.  There have been some references in old texts that Dr. Ullible has unearthed indicating a lost epic poem with the title “The saga of Doug the Bug”.

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