Signal Corps

The Hooahbears have devised their own communication system and integral to its success is the Signal Corps.  The Mount Hooah Signal Corps hassignal corps had a long and proud
history of establishing communications between the command post and the field.  Although they already deliver messages and orders in a timely fashion, they are constantly trying to update their communication systems.  Currently they have found that the monarch butterfly is a good fit for their communication needs.  The only difficulty is making sure the Signal Corps doesn’t decide to migrate all at the same time.

Critics of using monarch butterflies say their short life cycle makes it difficult to train them.  However, the Hooahbears are quick to point out that surprisingly, butterflies in general complain quite a bit about everything.  The shorter the life span, the less things they complain about.  You can typically find a Signal Corps member down at the local nectar stand any night of the week.

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