“That’s one small step for a Hooahbear”

Hooahbear footprint on moonOnce again, another cover up has been found.  Ever looked closely at the NASA photo of Neil Armstrong’s “one step for mankind”?  Another photo has been unearthed…or perhaps unmooned… which might lead to a new interpretation of the quote.

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Something to reflect on.

5903Further transmissions coming through from Dr. Ullible.  He always felt that Hooahbears were an essential part of the space race.  Here’s the original of a well known photo that was kept secret by NASA.  Click on the photo to get a better view.

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Another Hooahbear sighting

Hooahbear sighting CascadesApparently a Hooahbear wanted a better view of the mountain range.  Anybody know where it could be?

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the quackulanceThe quackulists were among the first to realize the importance of rapid emergency transport.  Again, Dr. Galen was instrumental in initiating the Mount Hooah Quackulance  Transport System.  At any given time, Continue reading

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Recent Hooahbear Sighting:

blackhawk at coit towerSeen early this morning.  Called in by local UFO club.  Anyone know where this is?

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Transportation: Blackhawk

blackhawk risingWhen you need to get a lot of Hooahbears quickly to another place, one of the best methods is by Blackhawk. Continue reading

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What is a Hooahbear?

What is a Hooahbear?Right now, all that we know about Hooahbears is that they are a species of very little bears, Continue reading

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