Hooahbear sighting overlooking the Hudson

Photo taken by a tourist who caught a Hooahbear at the ready.  As you can see, they can be rather fierce creatures.A hooahbear at the ready

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Another photo op of the Ruff Riders

Here’s a photo that slipped out of T.R.’s journal.  Notice anything a little different from the one at the National Archives?rough-riders_custom-06f003459629fe9d7b6d81ddd71a16c1ea9ef5fc-s6-c10

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Habitat: Clompers

Hooahbears tend to live anywhere and in anything; like teenage boys they aren’t very hooahbear habitatpicky.  However, they do prefer to live in shoes and boots, especially army boots.  They call these particular residences “clompers”.

The boots are actually quite spacious inside, and a clever Hooahbear can usually figure out how to fit a bedroom, living room and dining area into the space without too much difficulty.  They look for boots that are DD or larger, and “double wide” has a different connotation in Hooahbear society, usually referring to the abode of the upper echelon.

When Hooahbears move or migrate to a different area on Mount Hooah, they try to bring their boots with them.  Scientists refer to this migratory pattern as “clomping along”.

Although they will use almost any type of shoe, they do tend to shy away from a teenage boy’s shoes.  Sometimes, there is no choice and so the shoe must undergo a lengthy decontamination procedure requiring the use of Hazmat outfits.  The mothers of teenage boys who have had occasion to enter the room where these shoes (and the boy) are located will be able to sympathize.

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Signal Corps

The Hooahbears have devised their own communication system and integral to its success is the Signal Corps.  The Mount Hooah Signal Corps hassignal corps Continue reading

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About Dr. Ullible

Say good bye to Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster and say hello to Hooahbears!  Well known cryptozoologist Dr. George Ullible is on a mission to prove once and for all that Hooahbears exist.  Risking his life, he has just returned from Area 51.5  with all sorts of evidence that supports his theory of a government conspiracy to keep Hooahbears secret.

We’ll be updating posts from  Dr. Ullible  whenever he is able to safely  send us information from his hiding place.  There does not appear to be any rhyme or reason to the order of the posts, as we are never quite sure if all of Dr. Ullible’s messages to us get through.

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Teddy Roosevelt finds practicing for San Juan Hill a little “Ruff”.

A page is found, torn from Colonel Roosevelt’s journal…  “We had a bully time today, thanks to the Hooahbear leading the charge up the hill.  The Hooahbear’s mount was called a “Ruff”.  Because he was such a help in teaching us how to charge hills, we changed our name to the “Ruff Riders”.”The Ruff Riders

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tank and hooahbearAnother form of transportation for a Hooahbear is the land tank.  Heavily armored, they move slow and steady across all sorts of terrain.  They help Continue reading

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