Hooahbear girds himself for a high time.

Another newspaper post with the accompanying photo:girder above nyc jpg

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Hooahbears Celebrate the Fourth of July!

uncle sam july 4th

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Another signature on the Declaration of Independence?

This was noticed by an astute historian and sent on to me.  Apparently, there is an earlier copy of the Declaration kept at the National Archives:

Notice the 4th signature on the left.

Notice the 4th signature on the left.

Declaration of Independence

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Crossing the Delaware leaves a Hooahbear under the weather.

As noted from a soldier’s journal…”We went through the night across the Delaware with General Washington.  Not only did the good general insist on standing up in the boat, but also that his good friend Hooahbear come with him.  It is noted that the Hooahbear spent a great deal of the time staring into the water, and had a slightly greenish hue which did little to improve his complexion.  I tried to make polite conversation with the Hooahbear, but for some reason he was not as talkative as usual.”Crossing Delaware leaves a Hooahbear a little green.

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Drones: What’s all the Buzz?

A recent addition to the military arsenal are the drones.  Hooahbears most commonly use  the drones  for surveillance, making sure that they know the position of any visitor or intruder on Mount Hooah.


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Human Beans

Dr. Ullible had often puzzled about his initial Hooahbear encounter, when he was called a “human bean”.  He knew he didn’t act like a bean, nor did he smell like one (even when he put one up his nose at the age of four and had to go to the doctor to get it removed).  Although his mother occasionally called him “a bean sprout”, she also called him “pumpkin” so he assumed those were terms of endearment and not an actual physical attribute.  Fortunately, in the Hooahbear medical journal, the NEJQ, he found a well written article by Dr. Galen about human beans.  Apparently Dr. Galen overheard a  mother of three telling a friend that her children were just “sprouting up” like weeds.  Dr. Coronel instruction on human beanGalen thus made the assumption that humans are an offshoot of the plant kingdom. Continue reading

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Hooahbears looking for a few good Ruffs

The Hooahbears are constantly looking for dogs or “Ruffs” that they can use for their  cavalry of Ruff Riders.  To become a Ruff Rider is an honor for any dog; Kiya trying out for the Ruff RidersThey have to be able to run the fastest, turn on a dime and have endurance.  Hooahbears have to sift through an incredible number of applicants to find the ones that can live up to the standard of being a Ruff Rider.  Here, we see a sheltie has made it to the first part of the training.  The Hooahbears used to call it “Beast” but found it was being mistaken for a less rigorous training camp.  They now call it “Ruffian”.


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