Surveillance Methods

hooahbears with binoculars and bugOne of the difficulties of keeping Mount Hooah safe is the Hooahbears must be constantly on the guard for intruders.  The Hooahbears have several methods that they use, including a Mount Hooahland Security team.  They also have tried using long distance surveillance.  However, some of the inhabitants of Mount Hooah have complained that they feel as though someone always has their eye on them.  They are currently reevaluating this method.

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Monumental cover up at Mount Rushmore.

Once again, Ullible has managed to get some previously unseen photos from Mount Rushmore, before it was open to the public.  It seems that Roosevelt has a friend at his side.  There are some journals that talk about an unexpected detonation of TNT one night.  Perhaps now we know why.

Teddy and friend


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Hooahbear Survival Skills

matchesIt is important for a Hooahbear to be able to survive under rough conditions, so they are always trying to improve their survival skills.  One of the first skills they learn is to build a fire.  All Hooahbears must show themselves “survivor ready” by using only two sticks rubbed together in order to start a fire.  The second skill they learn is how to put out the fire quickly.  The name “Hotfoot Teddy” was originally associated with a Hooahbear that got a little careless with matches, somewhere around New Mexico.

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An unexpected Hooahbear encounter

Dr. Ullible has just sent in the following photograph taken of a hiker in the Northwestern part of the United States, who got more than he bargained for on this camping trip.  Returning to his campfire, he surprised a Hooahbear looking through his backpack.  Fortunately, this experienced camper (name withheld) remembered his wilderness survival training which helped him survive the encounter. unsuspecting hiker Dr. Ullible gave us the name of the camper and we were able to contact him to get the full story.

“I tried to avoid direct eye contact with the Hooahbear,  backed away slowly, but then he started charging towards me.  I quickly lay on the ground and rolled myself into a ball, then stayed that way, waiting  for the Hooahbear to leave the area, perhaps three hours.  I still wake up at night in a cold sweat, just thinking about it.   Fortunately,  a man named Dr. Ullible came along and scared the Hooahbear away.  He took a photo of me afterwards, as we celebrated my rescue.”

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Biology: diet



Hooahbears are omnivores, but typically eat a nutritious diet that is more vegan based, consisting of nuts, berries, spinach and snap peas, with an occasional carrot tossed in the mix.  They grow their own food most of the time.  However, they are not without their guilty pleasures, the favorites being  chocolate and popcorn.  Indeed, Dr. Ullible has used popcorn on several occasions to attract Hooahbears from the surrounding woods so that he can study them in their natural habitat.

Hooahbears have also been seen in several movie theaters.  At first this was attributed to a love of cinema, but now doubts are being raised in this regard.

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Guardbugs: Bugged by insect classification

Doug embarrassedControversy is raging regarding Doug the Bug’s scientific classification and researchers are coming down on both sides of the argument.  Is Doug a bug, or is he an insect?  The pro bug group proudly point out that for centuries he has already been called a bug, and no one has yet observed the life cycle of the guardbugs.  However, the pro insect group insist that with his six legs, his exoskeleton and his obvious three body parts that he must be an insect.  In order to try and gain a better understanding of Doug, we did inquire about how guardbugs reproduced.  Unfortunately, Doug got very embarrassed, and then flew away with some birds and bees that were passing by at the time before we obtained any more information.

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Evidence for encounter with Da Vinci

vitruvian hooahbear with signatureA little known codex of Da Vinci has another drawing besides the 
Vitruvian Man:
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