Military Culture: Camouflage techniques

flower CamoHooahbears consider themselves quite the expert in disguises.  They actually have camouflage school that every Hooahbear must attend.  Taught to blend into their surroundings, a Hooahbear can look like a squirrel, a turtle or a hotdog at a moment’s notice.  They can even blend in with the local plant life with a practiced ease.

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Guardbugs: Die Sage von Doug der Fehler

Dr. Ullible has come across a new manuscript, well hidden until now. It was found in an abandoned eagle’s eyrie in the Bavarian Alps.  What plans the eagle had for the manuscript are unknown.  But it appears to be a partially finished copy of Die Sage von Doug der Fehler that had long been rumored to be the unfinished opera Wagner was working on at the time of his death.epic doug  The thought of that beautiful poem being set to the sweeping and storm tossed chords of a Wagnerian masterpiece is enough to send chills down any music lover’s spine.  From his housekeeper’s daughter’s brother personal journal, we find the words that previously led Dr. Ullible on the quest for this manuscript…”That Wagner is buzzing to him self again!”.  Because of Dr. Ullible’s focus on Hooahbears, buzzing brought to mind the sound that guardbugs make when they are on the attack.  From there it was natural for him to make the leap to the epic poem and thus the age old question of whether  Wagner could have been writing  Die Sage von Doug der Fehler or “The Saga of Doug the Bug”.  On the thinnest of clues, thus Dr. Ullible was able to put together the puzzle leading him to the  incredible prize…the first part of the epic “Ring around the collar Cycle”.

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Mount Hooah Inhabitants: Arachne

Arachne is another important member of the Signal Corps.  She is their IT specialist.  Now some Hooahbears have said this stands for “Icky Tarantula” but Arachne takes it in stride.  For one thing she is not a tarantula.   She is also the best multitasker in the Hooahbear Army, which makes this a perfect position for her.  She has many interests, especially weaving.

arachneShe helps keep the Corps connected via using and maintaining the Web.  They have recently upgraded their system and she is hoping to test its range soon.

She loves her job, and especially the free health care.  Before she joined the Hooahbear Army, all of her savings went to the ophthalmologist and podiatrist.

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Mount Hooah Inhabitants: Hermes

HermesHermes the 3222nd is a part of the Signal Corps.  He is from a long orange line of proud butterflies who have served in the Hooahbear Army for years.    He also is the Signal Corps test subject for all their experiments with different forms of transporting messages back and forth amongst the Hooahbears.  Although hazardous, he always is willing to be open to any new form of communication.  He likes to spend his free time down at the Nectar Stand with Sgt. Will.

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Mount Hooah Inhabitants: Whistle

WhistleAny story is better if there is a dog in it.  And this dog is named Whistle.  This is Jingle’s dog, or rather her Dad’s dog, and Jingle is taking care of him while he’s deployed.  Like all dogs, he’s a lot of work; Jingle walks him, feeds him and cleans up after him.  He is also a lot of fun to have around, and it’s always nice to have somebody love you just as you are.


Whistle does have a secret dog ambition, and that is to be a Ruff.  At the first opportunity, he’s going to try out for the Ruff Riders.  Naturally, Jingle does not speak canine, and is not aware of Whistle’s plan.

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Mount Hooah Inhabitants: Sgt. Will

Sgt. Will:  Air division  of Hooahland Security (HLS)


Sgt. Will is the most recent addition to HLS and oversees the Air Division.  The Sgt. Recently was dishonorably discharged from the military following an incident where he accidentally tried to eat the Colonel.   Aesop felt it was an honest mistake since the Colonel does look a little like a large mouse, and indeed somewhat admires Will for taking on a larger size target.  After hearing about the incident, he found Sgt. Will hanging out with his Signal Corps pals at the local nectar stand and asked him if he would like to work for him.  Grateful for the second chance,  Sgt. Will (as he still prefers to be called, and no one wants to argue with him) has shown himself to be a solid member of the team, sometimes being a little too zealous in carrying out Aesop’s orders.

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Inhabitants of Mount Hooah: Harry of Hooahland Security

Harry with name

Harry of Hooahland Security:  Land Division


When HLS (Hooahland Security) was putting together its team, they tried to find the fastest, the most dedicated and the smartest member to be the land division.  Two out of three isn’t bad.  Harry is built for speed and can easily navigate the terrain without slowing down at all.  Aesop, commander for the HLS, came to know Harry during the Windebear marathon.  Harry came in second (or last, since there were only the two of them), but took it with such good grace that Aesop was impressed.  Thus sprung up an unlikely interspecies friendship of rabbit and turtle.

While the fastest creature on Mount Hooah, Harry does tend to be a little forgetful and unless he writes down a message it can easily get garbled and directions can be misunderstood.  Some speculate that this is how Aesop won the marathon as it was noted that Harry did cross the marathon’s finish line…twice.  However, both times it was going the opposite direction.  When asked about the error, Harry muttered something about the sun rising in the east and setting in the west.  We will probably never know for sure.

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