Hooahbear Culture: The Plinkist

As mentioned before, Hooahbears love their music.  However, because there are very few of them that have musical ability.  Thus, they have invented the perfect instrument for the musically challenged, the plinkaphone.  The amazing thing about the plinkaphone is anyone can play it the first time they try it, and achieve mastery in just 55 minutes.  A true plinkist will bring out  music from the horn that will bring the Hooahbears to a standing ovation.


Another reason for its popularity could be from the length of the concerts.  It is very difficult to get bored when the concert is over in a minute.  There are only so many variations available on an instrument that can only play one note.

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Finally, what you’ve all been waiting for!  I’m ready to start showing the comic Hooahbears!  Please send this link to all the military families you know, because this is dedicated to them.  It’s a very kid friendly comic.

This is a story about a girl named Jingle whose dad is deployed, how she meets the Hooahbears and how they help her cope with her dad’s deployment.  More later.cover

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Hooahbear Culture: Music

Hooahbears are convinced that they are a musically advanced culture.  Anywhere you find a huddle of Hooahbears you will find them trying to make music together.  Their favorite instrument is the drum.  Whether this is because they like to march, or because they like to hit things with sticks one can never be sure.  Every now and then they like to hide in cars, start playing their drums, and watch motorists try to explain about the rattle to the auto repair shop man.drummer

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Hooahbear T shirt Exchange

species t shirt exchangeA recent sighting of a Hooahbear with a Human Bean shows that there is indeed ongoing interspecies communications.  As a display of friendship, both species exchanged T shirts as gifts.  This was very brave on the part of the Hooahbear, since one can never be sure when a male Human Bean has last washed any T shirt.  Indeed, one such exchange wound up with the Hooahbear having to be seen by Dr. Galen for toxic fume inhalation.

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Mount Hooah Inhabitants: Ajax

Ajax on the war pathAjax, a good friend of Achilles is somewhat hyper, in contrast to Achilles’ laid back style.   He always likes to be first in line at any event (The Colonel sends him to the back when he catches him taking cuts…especially when he does it to the Colonel). He’s the first to volunteer, and is on a record 108 volunteer committees.  However,sometimes he is too enthusiastic such as when he  showed up ready for a fire drill with a flame thrower.  He tends to act before he thinks, such as using the above mentioned flame thrower to light a birthday cake.  The Colonel since has had Achilles make sure that the flame thrower is on empty before Ajax takes it out anymore.

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Habitat: Canned Hooah

canned hooahbearHooahbears take recycling very seriously, one method being trying to find recyclable habitats or RH’s.    One of the favorite RH’s is the can.  They typically try to find a baked bean can, and use that for a mobile dwelling.  What could be easier than rolling a can from one place to another?  When they manage to find a large 64 ounce can, an amazing number of Hooahbears can fit inside.  As one observer noted,  “That’s a whole lot of Hooah!”

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Mount Hooah Inhabitants: Achilles

The strongest, the best looking and the best warrior of the Hooahbears, Achilles takes it all in stride.  He never gets too upset about anything.  And why should he?  His hair is always perfect, and all the girl Hooahbears think he’s the best thing since sliced bread.

His only real complaint is that sometimes he has a little tendonitis at his heel.




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