Week 9: Hooahbears by JG Swanson, October 7, 2013

arachne and hermes-1

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Week 8: Hooahbears by JG Swanson October 3rd, 2013

harry and Hermes at nectar stand

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Week 8: Hooahbears by JG Swanson September 30th 2013

Harry wondering on words

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Week 7 Hooahbears by JG Swanson September 26th, 2013

hermes jumping log

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week 7: Hooahbears by JG Swanson September 23,2013

woeds enhanced jingle running up hill

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Week 6: Hooahbears by JG Swanson September 19th, 2013

first part of jingle running up hill

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Week 6: Hooahbears by JG Swanson September 16, 2013

Making her choice with words for web

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