Week 16: Hooahbears by JG Swanson November 25th, 2013

Jingle trying to whistle web comic

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Week 15: Hooahbears by JG Swanson, November 21st, 2013

Ulysses with Doug and his binocs

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Week 15: Hooahbears by JG Swanson; November 18th, 2013

Jingle stops to smell the flowers web ready

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Week 14: Hooahbears by JG Swanson; November 14th, 2013

Doug spots the weed web ready

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Week 14: Hooahbears by JG Swanson; November 11th 2013

doug spots weed

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Week 13: Hooahbears by JG Swanson; November 7th, 2013

Doug tells Doug the mission

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Week 13: Hooahbears by JG Swanson; November 4th, 2013

doug the bug in bughouse on flower with wordsweed whack doug  with house 1 for web

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