Tag Archives: Hooahland Security

Week 3: Hooahbears by JG Swanson, August 29th, 2013

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Inhabitants of Mount Hooah: Harry of Hooahland Security

Harry of Hooahland Security:  Land Division   When HLS (Hooahland Security) was putting together its team, they tried to find the fastest, the most dedicated and the smartest member to be the land division.  Two out of three isn’t bad.  … Continue reading

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Inhabitants of Mount Hooah: Dan’l

Dan’l also came under the watchful eye of Aesop as he was picking the members of the amphibious division of  Hooahland Security (HLS).  The frog had quite a hopping reputation, and was celebrated for his jumping abilities.  One day, he … Continue reading

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Inhabitants of Mount Hooah: Aesop

Guarding the perimeter of Mount Hooah is always a problem, with Human Beans, Weeds, and other invaders constantly intruding on the Hooahbears.  Following an incident with a particular obnoxious Weed, Hooahland Security, or HSL was formed.  It is made up … Continue reading

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