Monthly Archives: July 2014

WEEK 47: Hooahbears by JG Swanson; July 10th, 2014

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WEEK 47: Hooahbears by JG Swanson; July 7th, 2014

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WEEK 46: Hooahbears by JG Swanson; July 3rd, 2014

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Ongoing Quackulist research

As a quackulist, Dr. Galen is expected to engage in ongoing scientific research and to publish his findings.  Noted articles include,  “An observational study of the flying ability of Sus scrofa domesticus (which had to be stopped early when a pig fell on … Continue reading

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What is a Quackulist?

Hooahbears have developed their own brand of medicine, quackulism. Supposedly dating from before the time of Hippocrates, the practitioners or “quackulists”, have been among the Hooahbears for centuries. Quackulismis a complex mixture made up of western mainstream medicine, a dab … Continue reading

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