Monthly Archives: August 2013

It”s Almost Here! Hooahbears, the Story of a Bear and his Bean starts tomorrow!

Starting tomorrow the story of Jingle and Ulysses.  Dedicated to all our military families.    Hope you enjoy!  It will be updated every Monday and Thursday.

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Starting every Monday and Thursday: read the comic “Hooahbears, the Story of a Bear and his Bean”

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Starting Monday, August 12th: Hooahbears, the Story of a Bear and His Bean

Starting Monday August 12th, there will be a new comic from the story, with the next posted on Thursday August15th.  Updates will be every Monday and Thursday, with sometimes a few different things sprinkled between.  The comics will then be … Continue reading

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Hooahbear Culture: The Plinkist

As mentioned before, Hooahbears love their music.  However, because there are very few of them that have musical ability.  Thus, they have invented the perfect instrument for the musically challenged, the plinkaphone.  The amazing thing about the plinkaphone is anyone … Continue reading

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Finally, what you’ve all been waiting for!  I’m ready to start showing the comic Hooahbears!  Please send this link to all the military families you know, because this is dedicated to them.  It’s a very kid friendly comic. This is … Continue reading

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Hooahbear Culture: Music

Hooahbears are convinced that they are a musically advanced culture.  Anywhere you find a huddle of Hooahbears you will find them trying to make music together.  Their favorite instrument is the drum.  Whether this is because they like to march, … Continue reading

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Hooahbear T shirt Exchange

A recent sighting of a Hooahbear with a Human Bean shows that there is indeed ongoing interspecies communications.  As a display of friendship, both species exchanged T shirts as gifts.  This was very brave on the part of the Hooahbear, … Continue reading

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