Monthly Archives: July 2013

Biology: diet

  Hooahbears are omnivores, but typically eat a nutritious diet that is more vegan based, consisting of nuts, berries, spinach and snap peas, with an occasional carrot tossed in the mix.  They grow their own food most of the time. … Continue reading

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Guardbugs: Bugged by insect classification

Controversy is raging regarding Doug the Bug’s scientific classification and researchers are coming down on both sides of the argument.  Is Doug a bug, or is he an insect?  The pro bug group proudly point out that for centuries he … Continue reading

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Evidence for encounter with Da Vinci

A little known codex of Da Vinci has another drawing besides the Vitruvian Man:

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Hooahbear girds himself for a high time.

Another newspaper post with the accompanying photo:

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Hooahbears Celebrate the Fourth of July!

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Another signature on the Declaration of Independence?

This was noticed by an astute historian and sent on to me.  Apparently, there is an earlier copy of the Declaration kept at the National Archives:

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Crossing the Delaware leaves a Hooahbear under the weather.

As noted from a soldier’s journal…”We went through the night across the Delaware with General Washington.  Not only did the good general insist on standing up in the boat, but also that his good friend Hooahbear come with him.  It … Continue reading

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