Monthly Archives: June 2013

Transportation: Blackhawk

When you need to get a lot of Hooahbears quickly to another place, one of the best methods is by Blackhawk.

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What is a Hooahbear?

Right now, all that we know about Hooahbears is that they are a species of very little bears,

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Transportation: The troop carrier

With any army, one problem that always comes up is how to transport the troops.  What good is it to have an army if you can’t get them to the war?  Once again, Hooahbear engineers

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Medical: Quackulism

Hooahbears have developed their own brand of medicine, quackulism.  Supposedly dating from before the time of Hippocrates, the practitioners or “quackulists”,  have been  among the Hooahbears for centuries.  Quackulism

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Hooahbears have many interactions with other members of the animal kingdom.  One that is of interest is the relation between a Hooahbear and his guardbug. A guardbug serves the function of sounding the alarm if intruders are seen.  They also … Continue reading

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The Ruff

Hooahbears have come up with several forms of land transportation.  One of their favorites methods is using a “Ruff”, or what we would call a dog.  We are not sure of the source of the name Ruff.  Perhaps

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Hooahbears structure their society as a military hierarchy.  No one is sure if this was a natural outgrowth of tribal origin or whether they  like to march around on parade grounds and stand at attention for long periods of time.

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