Category Archives: Military culture

Drones: What’s all the Buzz?

A recent addition to the military arsenal are the drones.  Hooahbears most commonly use  the drones  for surveillance, making sure that they know the position of any visitor or intruder on Mount Hooah.

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Signal Corps

The Hooahbears have devised their own communication system and integral to its success is the Signal Corps.  The Mount Hooah Signal Corps has

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Transportation: Blackhawk

When you need to get a lot of Hooahbears quickly to another place, one of the best methods is by Blackhawk.

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Transportation: The troop carrier

With any army, one problem that always comes up is how to transport the troops.  What good is it to have an army if you can’t get them to the war?  Once again, Hooahbear engineers

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