Category Archives: Military culture

Week 70: December 15th, 2014; Here be Hooahbears by JG Swanson

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Military Culture: Camouflage techniques

Hooahbears consider themselves quite the expert in disguises.  They actually have camouflage school that every Hooahbear must attend.  Taught to blend into their surroundings, a Hooahbear can look like a squirrel, a turtle or a hotdog at a moment’s notice. … Continue reading

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Inhabitants of Mount Hooah: Dan’l

Dan’l also came under the watchful eye of Aesop as he was picking the members of the amphibious division of  Hooahland Security (HLS).  The frog had quite a hopping reputation, and was celebrated for his jumping abilities.  One day, he … Continue reading

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Inhabitants of Mount Hooah: Aesop

Guarding the perimeter of Mount Hooah is always a problem, with Human Beans, Weeds, and other invaders constantly intruding on the Hooahbears.  Following an incident with a particular obnoxious Weed, Hooahland Security, or HSL was formed.  It is made up … Continue reading

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Surveillance Methods

One of the difficulties of keeping Mount Hooah safe is the Hooahbears must be constantly on the guard for intruders.  The Hooahbears have several methods that they use, including a Mount Hooahland Security team.  They also have tried using long … Continue reading

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Hooahbear Survival Skills

It is important for a Hooahbear to be able to survive under rough conditions, so they are always trying to improve their survival skills.  One of the first skills they learn is to build a fire.  All Hooahbears must show … Continue reading

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Guardbugs: Bugged by insect classification

Controversy is raging regarding Doug the Bug’s scientific classification and researchers are coming down on both sides of the argument.  Is Doug a bug, or is he an insect?  The pro bug group proudly point out that for centuries he … Continue reading

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