Category Archives: Biology

Guardbugs: Die Sage von Doug der Fehler

Dr. Ullible has come across a new manuscript, well hidden until now. It was found in an abandoned eagle’s eyrie in the Bavarian Alps.  What plans the eagle had for the manuscript are unknown.  But it appears to be a … Continue reading

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Scientific Classification

From Linnaeus’ Systema Naturae: Ursus Exercitus parvus “An exceedingly small bear with military bearing  and  helmet.”

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Human Beans: Jingle Bean

The Hooahbears have one Human Bean that they study in particular; they call her Jingle Bean.  She is always under observation by the Hooahbears as they can study Bean behavior.  She is the ideal specimen, as she is closer to … Continue reading

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Hooahbears have many interactions with other members of the animal kingdom.  One that is of interest is the relation between a Hooahbear and his guardbug. A guardbug serves the function of sounding the alarm if intruders are seen.  They also … Continue reading

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