Category Archives: Mount Hooah Inhabitants

Mount Hooah Inhabitants: Ajax

Ajax, a good friend of Achilles is somewhat hyper, in contrast to Achilles’ laid back style.   He always likes to be first in line at any event (The Colonel sends him to the back when he catches him taking … Continue reading

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Mount Hooah Inhabitants: Achilles

The strongest, the best looking and the best warrior of the Hooahbears, Achilles takes it all in stride.  He never gets too upset about anything.  And why should he?  His hair is always perfect, and all the girl Hooahbears think … Continue reading

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Mount Hooah Inhabitants: Arachne

Arachne is another important member of the Signal Corps.  She is their IT specialist.  Now some Hooahbears have said this stands for “Icky Tarantula” but Arachne takes it in stride.  For one thing she is not a tarantula.   She … Continue reading

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Mount Hooah Inhabitants: Hermes

Hermes the 3222nd is a part of the Signal Corps.  He is from a long orange line of proud butterflies who have served in the Hooahbear Army for years.    He also is the Signal Corps test subject for all … Continue reading

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Mount Hooah Inhabitants: Whistle

Any story is better if there is a dog in it.  And this dog is named Whistle.  This is Jingle’s dog, or rather her Dad’s dog, and Jingle is taking care of him while he’s deployed.  Like all dogs, he’s … Continue reading

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Inhabitants of Mount Hooah: Harry of Hooahland Security

Harry of Hooahland Security:  Land Division   When HLS (Hooahland Security) was putting together its team, they tried to find the fastest, the most dedicated and the smartest member to be the land division.  Two out of three isn’t bad.  … Continue reading

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Inhabitants of Mount Hooah: Dan’l

Dan’l also came under the watchful eye of Aesop as he was picking the members of the amphibious division of  Hooahland Security (HLS).  The frog had quite a hopping reputation, and was celebrated for his jumping abilities.  One day, he … Continue reading

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